I wrote a short poem taking inspiration from the notecard activity we did on Monday. As I returned to class, I spotted a beetle resting on a lamp in Bauman Hall. This image brought to mind the idea of a moth to a flame. Sometimes it is the things we crave the most which are able to end in the most excruciating pain. It may be beautiful at first, a flash of dazzling light, but in the end, the beauty is fleeting. One way or another, all you will be left with is the cold and unforgiving darkness.
Like moths to a flame
So easy to blame
Unwavering light
This beautiful blight
Get too close and burn
Yet we never learn
Stray too far and freeze
An awful disease
Drawn in by the charm
Overwhelms alarm
Pushed away by pain
This siren's refrain
Give into the pull
All struggles made null
I have always liked the idea of a moth to a flame. Not because of the macabre and often graphic ending to the story, but more of it reminds me of what it means to take risks, much like the tale of Icarus. He, too, was drawn in by the light and ended up getting burned. However, Daedalus survived. Those who take risks need to live with the consequences of their actions, but that doesn't mean they are not worth making. I believe it means that one merely must deliberately choose which candle they will fly by and carefully calculate the distance of proximity lest they fly too close.
Hi, I like your point at the end that just because you can get hurt doesn't mean that you should never take any risks, but also that you still need to be careful when you do take risks so as not to kill yourself. Your post also made me think about a fun short story idea of a moth falling in love with a firefly, although I don't think I'm actually going to write it.
-Daniel Iverson